Dear Neighbor,

       It isn’t easy being new!

       Whether it’s the first day of school, or walking in to a room full of people you’ve never met, the first time - for just about anything - is the hardest time, isn’t it?
       I get this.
       I also understand that this is the case walking in to a Church for the first time.

       We’re unfamiliar with the surroundings.  We’re unfamiliar with the customs.  We’re unfamiliar with the people - on that first time.
       But I invite you anyway.
       The people of this Church are friendly and sweet-spirited folks.
       And one thing they understand well is the uneasiness of being new.  Our Church family is made up mostly of people who grew up and have family members somewhere else.

       I ask only one thing.
       Give it a chance.
       Watch the videos.
       Maybe listen to a service online.
       Take a chance on us.
       Best of all, come visit.

       After all, it's really God that you're looking for, right?
       And Jesus told us that the one that seeks, finds. 
       Joy awaits you. 
       God's blessings await you. 
       This is a great place filled with great people.
       Come visit.
       I think you’ll be glad you did.

       I’m looking forward to meeting you in person!

       God bless you every day.